Classic & V Series

Since this year, Victory Grips has 2 styles. Classic & V Series. The difference is in the connection to your wrist.


The latest innovation from Victory Grips! Fit better around your wrist and ensure that the cutting feeling during long sets disappears!
Shop V-series


The minimalist option when it comes to grips! No wide straps around your wrists, just the right support!
Shop Classic

3 Different materials

When purchasing Victory Grips you can choose between 3 materials.
Each has its pros and cons - see which one suits you best here!


The latest materials from Victory Grips. New rubber/Kevlar exterior that helps you 'stick' to the bar better & a woven interior that is soft and absorbent!

When are these grips really something for you?
-When your hands get tired quickly but you want the tactical grip.
-93kg+ (They are slightly thicker and therefore tear less quickly!)
APex Grips


Definitely the best-selling grips!
The thinnest Victory Grips available - This way you maintain your 'natural feel' with the bar with the full protection of grips! The combination of Kevlar and high-quality rubber polymers gives you the best grip on the bar!

** Because they are so wafer-thin, it is recommended to purchase them up to 93kg.
View all tactical grips


Soft, Vegan material that breathes well and gives you perfect grip, even in the most humid situations! Slightly thicker finish than the other materials, so extra 'cushion' comfort and protection
We recommend these grips for:
- WODs with many repetitions
- Athletes whose hands are open quickly!
- Athletes who do not need extra grip or do not want to stick to the bar!
View All X2 Grips

3 Models

At WODgear you can choose between 3 different models of Victory Grips!
They all have


Complete protection
Provides perfect protection of the hand, without losing feeling with the bar. Due to the patented design and the dowel effect, hanging on the bar also requires a lot less force.
Shop 3-FC Grips


Fast transitions!
The grips without holes or freedom grips are made to keep your speed high. This way you can easily switch between your gymnastic and heavy exercises.
Shop Freedom Grips

2 Fingers

Specifically for the Rings!
These grips are designed to be as minimalist as possible so that you have protection during ring muscle-ups or other exercises in the rings but are not bothered by large, bulky grips!
Shop 2FC Grips